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萬豪酒店品牌持續(xù)于長三角開啟拓展新篇章 紹興上虞萬豪酒店正式揭幕

2023-09-25 14:32



中國浙江紹興,2023年9月25日——萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy®)旗下31個卓越酒店品牌之一的旗艦品牌——萬豪酒店今日宣布紹興上虞萬豪酒店盛大開業(yè)。設有265間客房的全新酒店標志著萬豪國際集團在長三角地區(qū)的持續(xù)深入布局。紹興上虞萬豪酒店由臥龍控股集團有限公司投資建造,新酒店秉承萬豪品牌標志性的現(xiàn)代設計美學、體貼周到的服務、豐富多樣的美食體驗及靈活的會議設施,為賓客創(chuàng)造兼顧工作和休閑、自在悅心的高品質(zhì)旅居體驗。

“我們很高興迎來紹興上虞萬豪酒店的盛大啟幕,新酒店將萬豪酒店標志性的設施和體驗引入長三角歷史文化名城紹興,為旅客和本地賓客展現(xiàn)萬豪酒店非凡的待客之道。”萬豪國際集團大中華區(qū)江蘇及浙江區(qū)域市場副總裁葉海英女士表示: “紹興上虞萬豪酒店的啟幕也展現(xiàn)了萬豪國際集團繼續(xù)于國內(nèi)重點發(fā)展區(qū)域拓展業(yè)務的戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃, 我們期待新酒店為當?shù)芈糜螛I(yè)注入新的活力,以恰如其氛的多元化產(chǎn)品和標志性服務體驗為賓客帶來更多元化的旅居體驗,滿足消費者不斷升級變化的旅行需求。”



紹興上虞萬豪酒店共擁有265間以江南人文為靈感精心設計、溫馨雅致的客房及套房,步入其中,簡約高級的色調(diào)映襯流暢優(yōu)美的線條,輔以青色紋飾點綴的墻面與地毯,盡顯越風虞韻。寬大明亮的全景落地窗將自然光線充分引入室內(nèi),閑暇時分賓客可憑窗遠眺曹娥江江景,縱享一方靜謐。夜幕降臨,亦可將繁華夜景盡收眼底。所有客房均配置萬豪酒店特色床品,高速無線網(wǎng)絡及高清電視等一系列高檔設施,寬敞的步入式淋浴間及英國沐浴產(chǎn)品 This Works。精心設計的客房集功能、時尚、舒適于一體,意在打造創(chuàng)意工作空間,優(yōu)雅平衡空間設計美學和功能實用性??头康闹悄芸照{(diào)系統(tǒng)在辦理完入住流程之后即可自動開啟至22攝氏度,賓客抵達房間即可感受舒適溫度。賓客還可通過萬豪旅享家手機應用程序(Marriott Bonvoy APP)辦理包括電子房卡、快速入住及退房在內(nèi)的多項酒店便捷服務。

酒店設有2間各具特色的餐廳及1間大堂吧,為賓客呈獻多樣化的用餐和品飲體驗。貢廚全日制餐廳(Goji Kitchen)供應融合國際風味和紹興當?shù)孛牢都央鹊呢S盛自助美味,主廚選用有機食材烹制,餐廳特設開放式廚房,享用美味之余亦能細品廚師對食材的調(diào)配和制作,為現(xiàn)代的餐飲空間注入活力。鮮旬日本餐廳(Shun Japanese Restaurant)以“技能,正宗,新鮮”為核心概念,供應OMAKASE和鐵板燒。餐廳環(huán)境設計由線性元素展現(xiàn)空間美學,并輔以現(xiàn)代簡約主義的家具與裝飾元素,為賓客營造典雅溫馨的用餐氛圍。標志性的萬豪中餐廳(Man Ho)位于酒店3層,主理地道粵菜,并設有13間雅致的私人包廂,是商務用餐與親友聚會的理想之所。大堂酒廊(The Lounge)延續(xù)萬豪品牌標志性的大堂吧(The Greatroom)理念,為賓客打造集多功能風格和用途于一體的活力社交之所,在日間出品各式茗茶、醇香咖啡和甜品點心,在夜間則轉(zhuǎn)換為一處時尚酒吧,奉上創(chuàng)意特調(diào)雞尾酒搭配多款精選小食。

行政酒廊(M Club)是為萬豪旅享家白金卡會員、鈦金卡會員、大使會員以及入住行政樓層的賓客打造的私享場所,設計上亦延續(xù)了萬豪品牌現(xiàn)代美學的設計理念,以“東山隱市”為主題進行布局,為賓客打造怡然靜謐的私享時光。每天自早上6點半至晚上11點,供應早餐、輕食、飲品等私享禮遇以及快速辦理入住或退房等便捷服務。

紹興上虞萬豪酒店擁有逾2,800平方米的會議和活動空間,靈活多元的空間布局是舉辦各種規(guī)模的會議、展覽和宴會的理想場所。酒店內(nèi)設有2間無柱式宴會廳,包括1,500 平方米的大宴會廳和600 平方米的小宴會廳,分別配備面積為84平方米和28平方米的嵌入式LED 屏幕及擁有自然采光的獨立宴會前廳,可滿足不同規(guī)模的企業(yè)發(fā)布會、展覽、公司宴會及婚宴的需求;6 間多功能會議室和1間貴賓廳,面積在60到200平方米之間,為舉辦不同風格的商務活動和社交聚會提供創(chuàng)意空間。所有場地均配有高品質(zhì)的智能燈光系統(tǒng)和視聽設備,專業(yè)的宴會服務團隊盡心為賓客打造精彩的會議和宴會體驗。而酒店的特色屋頂花園是舉辦露天派對和婚禮儀式的適宜之選,為賓客帶來非同一般的儀式感。


“我們非常高興萬豪酒店能在‘浙東新商都’、歷史人文薈萃的文化名城紹興上虞,為賓客帶來品牌標志性的高品質(zhì)體驗” 紹興上虞萬豪酒店總經(jīng)理郭屹女士表示,“




萬豪酒店在全球超過65個國家和地區(qū)運營近600家酒店及度假酒店,致力于不斷提升服務藝術,將“以人為本”作為品牌宗旨,確保賓客在入住期間始終感受到貼心的關懷。萬豪酒店通過始終如一的周到服務、舒適現(xiàn)代的空間,以及超越期待的體驗,來提升服務標準。萬豪酒店致力于不斷創(chuàng)新,通過“大堂吧”(Greatroom Lobby)及“手機便捷服務”(Mobile Guest Services)從空間設計和移動科技應用滿足現(xiàn)代賓客不斷升級變化的需求。萬豪酒店是萬豪國際集團旗下旅行計劃萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy®)的成員之一。萬豪旅享家為會員提供萬豪國際旗下在全球范圍內(nèi)龐大的酒店陣容,會員可體驗“萬豪旅享家Moments”并輕松賺取及兌換積分,享受免費房晚及尊貴級別會員禮遇。


萬豪國際(納斯達克股票代碼:MAR)集團總部位于美國馬里蘭州貝塞斯達,在139個國家和地區(qū)擁有近8,600家酒店,包括直接經(jīng)營酒店、特許經(jīng)營酒店和授權分時度假酒店,并擁有31個酒店品牌。萬豪國際集團運營屢獲殊榮的旅行計劃——萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy®)。


From left to right: Hotel Exterior, Lobby, King Bed Room

Shaoxing, China, 24 September, 2023--Marriott Hotels, the flagship brand of Marriott Bonvoy®’s extraordinary portfolio of 31 hotel brands, today announced the opening of Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu. The 265- guestrooms new hotel which underscores Marriott International’s continued footprint growth in Yangtze Delta Region. Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu was built and developed by Wolong Holding Group Co., Ltd, the new hotel carries Marriott hotels’ signature modern design, heartfelt service and diverse F&B offerings and flexible meeting facility, providing guest with pleasant and high-quality stay for both business and leisure travelers alike.

“We are thrilled to welcome the opening of Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu, the new hotel will bring in Marriott hotels’ signature facilities and experience to Shaoxing, a historical city in Yangtze Delta Region, showcase the extraordinary service experience for both travelers and local guests.” said Adelina Ye, Market Vice President, Jiangsu & Zhejiang, Greater China, Marriott International. “The new hotel is a testimony towards the group’s vision and plan to continue its footprint growth in key development region in China. We anticipate to inject new vibe into the tourism industry in local area with the debut of Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu, and cater to guests’ ever changing demand with diverse product and signature experience.”

Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu is located in the core area of Shangyu Future City, which is a modern service industry cluster that Shaoxing City strives to incubate. In the future, it will bring together industrial clusters dominated by new materials, high-end equipment manufacturing and modern medicine, and the entrance of Cao 'e River Culture and Art Center and e-Games Creative Industry Park. It will inject richer cultural and creative industries into the area. The mother river of Shangyu, the Cao 'e River, gives the area a charming river scenery of water and sky. When night falls, the clear water of the river and the lights, tall buildings and green plants along the river complement each other, forming a beautiful picture of flowing light.

In addition, from the hotel, guest can easily visit the local cultural and leisure attractions, walk into the China Filial Piety Garden, and savor the ancient and profound "Shungeng group carving" sculpture telling the millennium filial piety culture; Stride in Yingtai's hometown, feel the resonance integration of small bridges and flowing water, black tiles and white walls and pastoral scenery in a corner of the city;  Drive to the highest peak of Shangyu Fuzhishan scenic spot, see the glacier stone waves, millennium terraces, centuries-old villages, looking for a tranquility in the hustle and bustle of the city.  Just 6.3 km from Shaoxing East High-Speed Railway Station and 44 km from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu offers a comfortable and convenient accommodation for both business and leisure travelers.

The new hotel is committed to becoming a landmark hotel with the memory of Shangyu, and stepping into the hotel space is like browsing through the 4,000 years of history of Shangyu. Jiangnan culture, millennium terraces, Lanting elegant collection, glacial waves, as well as the historical and cultural footnotes of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, along with the spatial transformation, the "Yue Feng Yu Yun" and the quality of the international hotel are perfectly integrated, providing guests with a smart space with both humanistic meaning and natural artistic conception.

Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu has a total of 265 guest rooms and suites designed with Jiangnan culture as inspiration, warm and elegant, stepping into them, simple and advanced colors against the smooth and beautiful line layout, supplemented by blue decorative walls and carpets, showing an unique elegance. The wide and bright panoramic windows will fully introduce natural light into the room, and guests can enjoy the tranquility by overlooking the Cao 'e River in their leisure time. As night falls, you can also have a panoramic view of the bustling night scene.

All guest rooms feature brand’s signature plush bedding. The intelligent air-conditioning system in the guest room can be automatically turned on to 22 °C when guest checked-in, and guests can feel the comfortable temperature when they arrive in the room; At the same time, guests can check the hotel facilities and service information through the IPTV system and enjoy wonderful programs. Essential services are placed at guests’ fingertips with the Marriott Bonvoy app, including seamless mobile check-in and check-out.

The hotel has two distinctive restaurants and a lobby bar, offering guests a variety of dining and drinking experiences. Goji Kitchen all-day dining restaurant, serving a blend of international flavors and local Shaoxing delicacies, using organic ingredients, the restaurant features an open kitchen, where guest can enjoy the culinary delights and the chef's preparation of the ingredients, injecting vitality into the modern dining space. Shun Japanese restaurant carry the concept of “Skilled, Authentic, Fresh”, offering OMAKASE and teppanyaki. Interior design features the linear and modern minimalist furniture to create an elegant and warm dining atmosphere for guests. Man Ho, Marriott Hotels’ signature Chinese restaurant, specialize in authentic Cantonese cuisines and features 13 elegant private dining rooms, ideal place for business meal and family gathering. The Lounge celebrating Marriott Hotels’ renowned ‘The Greatroom’ concept, offering a multi-functional style and purpose of one dynamic social place, a variety of tea, coffee and desserts are served in the day, when night falls, it transformed into a stylish bar, serving creative cocktails paring a selection of snacks.

M Club is a space offered to Platinum, Titanium, and Ambassador Elite Marriott Bonvoy members and as well as guests who stay on the Executive Floor. Served with exclusive benefits such as breakfast, light meals, beverage and express check-in or check-out services are provided.

Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu has over 2,800 square meters of meeting and event space, suitable for meetings, exhibitions and banquets of various sizes. Two pillar-less banquet halls, including the 600-square-meter ballroom and the 1500-square-meter grand ballroom. Two ballrooms feature two embedded LED with a size of 84cm and 28cm respectively, as well as respective pre-functions area with natural lighting, ideal for conferences, exhibitions, banquets and wedding celebrations of different sizes; 6 multi-functional meeting rooms and 1 VIP room, providing creative space for business activities and private parties of different styles. All venues are equipped with high-quality intelligent lighting systems and audio-visual systems. A signature rooftop garden is ideal for open-air parties and wedding ceremonies.

The new hotel also provides guests with a series of leisure and fitness facilities, a 24-hour fitness center equipped with high-end strength and aerobic fitness equipment and a 25-meter indoor swimming pool, enable guests to enjoy workout time in between of their packed schedule.

“We are honored to bring the brand’s signature high-quality experience to guests in Shangyu of Shaoxing, a historic and cultural city in the east part of Zhejiang province  and well established as New Business Capital of the province. " said Catharine Guo, General Manager of Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu. The opening of Shaoxing Marriott Hotel Shangyu will inject new vitality into Shaoxing's accommodation arrangement and create a diverse range of places to stay for business, leisure or family travelers. We sincerely hope that guests can use the hotel as a starting point to explore Shaoxing's unique water town charm, cultural features and local flavor, and enjoy a wonderful journey


For more details or to make a reservation, please visit marriott.com/hghmc.  


About Marriott Hotels®

With nearly 600 hotels and resorts in over 65 countries and territories around the world, Marriott Hotels continues to elevate the art of hospitality – placing people first is the brand’s living legacy – ensuring guests always feel deeply cared for throughout their stay. Marriott Hotels raises the bar by consistently delivering heartfelt service, with modern, comfortable spaces, and by providing experiences elevated beyond the everyday. As global travelers needs and expectations evolve, so does Marriott Hotels, leading the industry with innovations including the Greatroom lobby and Mobile Guest Services that embrace style, design, and technology. For more information, please visit www.marriotthotels.com, and stay connected on Facebook, @marriott on Twitter, and @marriotthotels on Instagram. Marriott Hotels is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments, and unparalleled benefits including free nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit marriottbonvoy.com.

About Marriott International

Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses a portfolio of nearly 8,600 properties under 31 leading brands spanning 139 countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company offers Marriott Bonvoy®, its highly awarded travel program. For more information, please visit our website at www.marriott.com, and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com. In addition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntl on Twitter and Instagram.

